namespace AMC
import System
import Rhino.Mocks
import Rhino.Testing.AutoMocking
public abstract class AutoMockingTestFixture:
private _mocks as MockRepository
private _container as AutoMockingContainer
public def constructor():
_mocks = MockRepository();
_container = AutoMockingContainer(_mocks);
public def Create[of T]() as T:
return _container.Create[of T]()
public def Mock[of T(class)]() as T:
return _container.Get[of T]()
public def Provide[of TService, TImplementation]() as void:
_container.AddComponent(typeof(TImplementation).FullName, typeof(TService), typeof(TImplementation))
public def Provide[of TService](instance as object) as void:
_container.Kernel.AddComponentInstance(instance.GetType().FullName, typeof(TService), instance)
The main item of note here is the Mock[of T]() method, which has a constraint on it and looks like this:
public def Mock[of T(class)]() as T:
return _container.Get[of T]()
This maps to the corresponding C# code:
public T Mock() where T : class {
return _container.Get()
Pretty cut'n'dry, no? Thanks to Avishay Lavie who is spearheading this effort, it seems (and who also notes that the constraints implementation is still incomplete at this time).